Biblically Thinking About The Emergent Church - Download
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All of us, from time to time, have had thoughts about God that did not square exactly with what He himself has declared in the Scriptures, but that generation of misinformation has reached appalling levels among evangelical Christians today. This development has been stimulated primarily by the Church Growth and Emerging Church movements in their approach to allegedly reaching our culture for Christ. Reinventing Christ and Christianity, in order to make them more acceptable to the unsaved masses, is both the method and the goal. It amounts to recreating God in the fallen image of man. As delusionary as that approach may seem in attempting to reach the lost, astonishingly, it has millions of professing Christians caught in its web of deception. —T. A. McMahon, "Refashioning God," TBC August 2009
- 59 megabyte ZIP (compressed) file
- Booklet PDF
- Study Guide PDF
- Four audio tracks: individual MP3 files
Important Note: mobile users should download the Booklet, Study Guide, and Track 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 separately.
The ZIP file contains all of the parts but may not open on your mobile device.
The ZIP file option is better for computer users. All of the parts are included in one file that you can open on your computer.
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