Dave Hunt Audio Library - Seventh Edition
$ 112.50 $ 249.00
MP3 on CD
Our Dave Hunt MP3 Audio Library includes the content of more than 110 compact discs. If purchased separately at regular TBC package prices, this collection would cost nearly $600.00.
This “Commemorative Edition” is formatted for playback on MP3-compatible devices, including most computers and newer home and car stereos. The discs will not play on older CD-audio players.
Messages include:- The Catholic Debates - Dave faces off against Gerry Matatics, Keith Fournier, Karl Keating, Robert Fastiggi, and Robert Sungenis
- A Woman Rides the Beast
- The Apostasy and the Rapture
- The Book of Colossians
- Roman Catholicism: A Biblical Perspective (6-part teaching)
- Where Will You Spend Eternity? A Study of First John (6-part teaching)
- Prophecy as Proof (6-part teaching)
- Speaking of Scripture (7-part teaching)
- The Pretrib Rapture - Is It in the Olivet Discourse?
- Who Holds the Future? (3-part teaching)
- An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith
- The Gospel That Saves
- The Nonnegotiable Gospel (audiobook read by Gary Carmichael)
- A Third Millenium of Christianity?
- What God Cannot Do
- Calvinism Debates and Conversation - Dave with James White, Joseph Pipa, Doug VanderMeulin, and Steve Watkins
- Reformed Theology in the Light of Scripture
- In Christ Jesus - A Study of the Book of Ephesians (4-part teaching)
- Christ Betrayed by Friends Today
- What Love Is This?
- The Passion of the Christ
- God Is Love
- Loving God (5-part teaching)
- Seeker Sensitive or Self-seeking?
- Judgment Day! Islam, Israel, and the Nations
- The Driven Church - Where Is It Going?
- Bless The Lord, O My Soul
- The Deceitful Heart
- Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny
- 2006, 2007 & 2008 conference talks (13 messages)
- Living the Life of Christ (4-part teaching)
- Seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Devils
- Global Peace and the Rise of Antichrist
- Prophecy and World Events
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