Biblically Thinking About Creation - Download
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One of the common false ideas among many people is that those who reject evolution are rejecting science, which would include Bible-believing Christians. That makes addressing creation vs. evolution a very worthwhile endeavor. It's not a matter of defending a Christian's intelligence but rather challenging the myth that evolution is science. It's been said that it helps to cut down the trees behind which false beliefs are doing their deceitful work. Evolution is a philosophy, a way of thinking about the universe and how it was formed. Although posing as a scientific study, it is, in fact, scientism, a speculative ideology (read "religion") that cannot be verified or falsified by true science.
- 62 megabyte ZIP (compressed) file
- Booklet PDF
- Study Guide PDF
- Three audio tracks: individual MP3 files
Important Note: mobile users should download the Booklet, Study Guide, and Track 1, 2, and 3 separately.
The ZIP file contains all of the parts but may not open on your mobile device.
The ZIP file option is better for computer users. All of the parts are included in one file that you can open on your computer.
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